Baby showers

By soundslikeknock

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With many of our friends and family popping out adorable little babies left and right, it was just a matter of time until I would find myself planning one. So of course, I opted for a tea social theme.



We bought a few rolls of pink and white streamers and hung them down the wall instead of the traditional way of hanging the across the ceilings. This saved a lot of time and made for a great backdrop for photos. And it instantly gave the room a bright splash of colour.streamers

We saw this tutorial on Martha Stewart’s site on how to make giant pom poms. These were super quick and easy to make! The only difficult part was transporting them and hanging them. They were a little heavier than expected and kept falling from the ceiling so we had to reinforce it with a lot of tape.



Bottle race

Of course one of the typical party games is to fill some baby bottles up juice, cold tea, or some sort of adult beverage and have people race to finish their drink.



Playdoh faces

We challenged each team to mould what they thought the baby would look like. We gave everyone a time limit of 10 mins which added to the fun to watch people frantically moulding before the timer ran out. What I’ve learned is that moulding with play dough is a lot harder than I remembered. Some of the faces that were made were just down right terrifying… but it was a fun activity none the less.


Decorating onesies

This is a fun activity that the parents can use afterwards. We picked up a bunch of plain onesies, and various colours of fabric paint and let the guests draw designs on them that match their personalities.


And then of course, we served a lot of little treats and a nice variety of tea. Remember to include some non-caffeinated herbal teas as most pregnant moms try to avoid caffeine. Let us know if you have any other fun baby shower ideas! Or send us pictures of your own baby shower tea soiree!

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